Director of Social Sciences
Mrs L Morgan
Revision websites
BBC Bitesize
Exam Boards
AQA GCSE Business
OCR Cambridge National Business
Please note: we are continually updating the pupil learning journeys to address any gaps in pupil understanding that have arisen due to lockdowns
Business Studies GCSE
About the course
Studying GCSE Business will give you a real insight and comprehensive understanding into the ways that businesses today operate in an ever changing and internationally competitive and dynamic environment.
You will learn by studying a variety of topics and real business scenarios, examining the various factors impacting on business activity and their behaviour.
Course Content
The GCSE Business course consists of six units to be studied over Years 10 and 11. These units are:
1. Business in the real world
2. Influences on business
3. Business operations
4. Human resources
5. Marketing
6. Finance
There are two papers that will be completed at the end of Year 11. These are both worth 50% of the course and will both be marked out of 90. Each paper will be 1 hour and 45 minutes.
Cambridge National Certificate in Enterprise and Marketing
Exam Board—OCR
About the Course
The Cambridge National Certificate in Enterprise and Marketing is a combination of practical, work-related coursework and an examination. You learn by completing projects and assignments that are based on realistic workplace situations, activities and demands which are set by the examination board. You will research, design, cost and promote a product and then present your ideas. The coursework will help you to understand how businesses work through a series of business tasks that reflect the real world of business. This course will help you gain an understanding of how a business prepares and markets its products services in the real world.
Course Content
The Cambridge National Certificate consists of three units which will be studied over Years 10 and 11. The units are:
1 Enterprise and marketing concepts.
2 Design a business proposal.
3 Market and pitch a business proposal.
Two of the units that you study will be assessed through portfolio assignment work which is set by the examination board and assessed by your class teachers, the other by an exam.
Written exam 1 hour 15 minutes 40%
Design a business proposal assignment 30%
Market and pitch a business proposal assignment 30%