
Director of English
Miss B Lovett

Exam Board:
WJEC Eduqas English Language
WJEC Eduqas English Literature

Please note: we are continually updating the pupil learning journeys to address any gaps in pupil understanding that have arisen due to lockdowns

GCSE English Language

Component 1:

20th Century Literature Reading and Creative Prose Writing.

Written exam: 1 hours 45 mins 40% of qualification.

Section A (20%) – Reading

Understanding of one extract (about 60 – 100 lines) of Literature from the 20th Century assessed through a range of structured questions.

Section B (20%) – Prose Writing

One creative writing task selected from a choice of four titles.

Component  2:

19th and 21st Century Non-Fiction Reading &  Transactional/Persuasive Writing.

Written exam: 2 hours 60% of qualification.


Section A (30%) – Reading

Understanding of two extracts (about 900 – 1200 words in total) of high-quality non-fiction writing, one from the 19th century, the other from the 21st century, assessed through a range of structured questions.

Section B (30%) – Writing

Two compulsory transactional / persuasive writing tasks.

Component 3:

Spoken Language

Non-exam assessment: Unweighted


GCSE English Literature

Component 1:

Shakespeare and Poetry

Written examination—2 hours—40% of qualification.


Section A—(20%) Shakespeare

One extract question and one essay question based on the reading of Macbeth.

Learners are not permitted to take copies of the set texts into the examination.

Section B—(20%) Poetry from 1789 to present day.

Two questions based on poems from the WJEC Eduqas Anthology, one of which involves comparison.

Component 2:

Post—1914 Prose / Drama, Century Prose and Unseen Poetry.

Written examination—2 hours and 30 mins—60% of qualification.

Section A—20%  Post—1914 / Drama

One source-based question on a post 1914 prose/ Drama text:   An Inspector Calls—(Priestley).

Learners are not permitted to take copies of the set texts into the examination.

Section B—(20%) 19th Century Prose.

One source based question on a 19th century prose text:

A Christmas Carol—Dickens

Section C (20%) Unseen poetry from the 20th / 21st Century

Two questions on unseen poems, one of which involve comparison.


Possible progression routes for English related courses

Career opportunities- Social Media Managers, Technical writers, Public Relations Specialists, Lawyer, Grant writer, Librarian, Editor, Content manager, Human Resources specialist, Teaching, Fundraiser, Digital copywriter, Lexicographer, Magazine journalist, Newspaper journalist, Publisher, Proof reader, Talent agent, Web content manager, Writer,   Advertising, Arts administrator, Education consultant, Marketing , Media manager, Broadcasting, Retail, Clerical and Sales professionals