The following is applicable to both Boys and Girls:
Hair should be its natural colour and worn in an off the face style. Any pupil whose hair obscures their face will be required to tie it back for safety reasons, particularly in practical lessons. No extremes of fashion in cut, style or colour are acceptable. Short hair must not be cut shorter than
‘grade 2’.
✦ Make-up, false nails, false eyelashes, nail polish and hair accessories are NOT permitted.
✦ Jewellery, including earrings or studs are NOT permitted. The exception is that we allow a wristwatch but it must not have a camera or video recording feature to adhere to GDPR rules.
✦ Facial piercings, tongue piercings, etc are NOT permitted. Any pupil with a piercing of this type will be required to remove it IMMEDIATELY, again for safety reasons in our busy school.
✦ Any form of hooded sweatshirt/jackets must NOT be worn in the school building.
✦ Any form of baseball caps and hats must NOT be worn anywhere on site in school.
Uniform at CTK
✦ Black blazer with school badge.
✦ Black jumper with school crest (optional) NO other jumpers or cardigans are permitted.
✦ Black or charcoal grey school trousers (canvas, denim etc. are NOT acceptable nor are ‘skinny fit’ trousers). School trousers must also be worn at the waist so that the wearer’s underwear is NOT visible) OR mid-grey skirt that is knee-length or longer or mid-grey pinafore dress (shorts or similar should NOT be worn under skirts. If the skirt is of the appropriate length and style then they are not necessary).
✦ White plain shirt (short or long sleeved) worn correctly - top buttons fastened and tucked in at the waist.
✦ CTK House tie worn correctly - ties knotted to the throat and of a length that reaches the waistband of the skirt/trousers.
✦ Plain black socks or black plain tights.
✦ Black, flat shoes - NO boots or training shoes of any description are to be worn. NO canvas shoes. NO logos.
Our main suppliers for PE kit, ties, blazers and jumpers are Whittakers 01704 533394 (whittakersschoolwear.co.uk) or Zips & Snips 01704 231188 (facebook.com/Zips-n-Snips). Shirts, skirts, pinafores, trousers can all be purchased at your preferred shop or supermarket. If a pupil does not have the correct items of uniform, this will be picked up during registration by his/her form tutor and throughout the school day by subject teachers. They will be sent to the Pastoral Office to borrow the correct item that they need for that day. Non-uniform items will be taken from pupils and returned at a later time. Persistent offenders may be withdrawn from lessons and/or receive sanctions (notification will be
given to parents/guardians). If you are struggling to buy or replace items of uniform, please contact us at school in confidence
and we will offer help and advice wherever possible.
Consequences of non-school uniform
Non-uniform items will be taken from pupils and returned at a later time. Persistent transgressors may be withdrawn from lessons and/or receive formal detentions (notification will be given).
In addition to the above uniform guidelines, parents are reminded that mobile phones are not allowed to be used in school. THEY MUST BE SWITCHED OFF AND IN BAGS AT ALL TIMES. The same rules apply to Personal music players (mp3, mp4, iPod etc.), Smart watches and earphones. Any that are visible whilst on the school premises will be confiscated and returned to parents/carers only.
NB Any valuable items brought in to school, such as mobile phones and personal music players, are done so at the pupils’ own risk. School will investigate any such losses but is not liable for any loss or damage incurred and carries no insurance for such items.
PE Kit

The new design PE kit utilises the colours in our school badge and is made with new fabric technology that is best suited to a sports environment. The PE department wanted to make sure that this PE kit met with the needs and wants of our pupils so we met with a large group of our pupils in Years 7-11 who all have different experiences of PE and school sport – some who only take part in physical activity in PE lessons, others who have represented the school in a range of sports and those who have been sports leaders.
This has been the result of listening to our pupils, which allows them to choose what they would like to wear in their PE lessons based on a range of options available to them. It is important that our pupils feel comfortable and confident in their PE lessons and what they wear can massively influence this.
This kit is available from Whittakers.
Choices available:
A choice of a V neck fitted polo shirt OR a buttoned polo shirt. A choice or a skort (skirt with shorts sewn in) OR shorts. A choice of a hoodie or a reversible top*. Black sports socks for all pupils. Trainers for ALL pupils/football boots are highly recommended for Football and Rugby but not compulsory. *The reversible top will be used by ALL the boys’ sports teams in fixtures against other schools
Optional items:
Black sports leggings – full length for all pupils**. Black long Sleeve base layer for all pupils**. **The optional items MUST be worn UNDER the shorts or skort. Please take into account when thinking about sizes.
There is the option for those pupils taking GCSE and BTEC courses in Years 10 and 11 to have this printed on the back of their polo shirt at an added cost. Pupils will also be able to have their initials printed on their items at an added cost.