Religious Education

Head of RE
Mr Smith

Exam Board:
Edexcel  GCSE RE

Revision Guides:

RE Revision 

Please note: we are continually updating the pupil learning journeys to address any gaps in pupil understanding that have arisen due to lockdowns

There are three areas of religion to be studied over the course of Year 10 and 11.

Paper 1—Study of Religion—Catholic Christianity


Paper 2—Study of second religion—Judaism


Paper 3—Philosophy and Ethics (Catholic Christianity)




Pupils will be entered for the GCSE examination, which will be a single tier entry.  All pupils will sit the same exam and be graded 1—9.

The qualification is 100% examination.

Paper 1—Study of Religion—Catholic Christianity.

Exam—1 hour 45 mins  = 118 marks.

Paper 2—Study of second Religion—Judaism.

Exam— 50 mins  = 59 marks.

Paper 3—Philosophy and Ethics.

Exam—50 mins  = 59 marks.

Progression routes for GCSE Religious Studies